Monday, August 25, 2008

What a month!

Holy cow!! Wow, I don't even know where to start. This month Todd and I have been blessed with many options and decisions.

The month started out with me getting a teaching job in first grade. So far I love the district and the kids! We finally sold our house in Jersey and decided to buy land and build on the lake here in Virginia! I know it is crazy right?? So on top of all of that we still have our everyday life, plus I went to S.C. to visit Becky and we had family and friends visit. Oh yeah and Todd, I and the dogs just did a marathon trip to Jersey this past weekend!

So with all of that I am tired and will post a few pics. I will post later on when the dust settles with the process of our house. I hope you all enjoyed your summer, because my summer has been over for a few weeks now, the south starts early y'all!

Take care and we miss you all,

Kelly, Todd, Espn and Oreo