Monday, January 19, 2009

All moved in!

What a great start to 2009! We moved in right before Christmas on the 20th and then headed to NJ for the holidays. We got to see all of our friends and family as much as we could. It was a great, busy, tiring time! Everyone has been asking to see more pictures, but we do not have internet at the house yet. That is the delay, plus the boxes, shopping, and just enjoying our new digs!
We just had a very cold front that they even delayed the schools for 2 hours on Friday. Everything else is great with our jobs and we are waiting for Erin to have the baby. Thank goodness we moved out in time, or it would of been a crazy household!
We hope that everyone has enjoyed the new year so far. I am done with posting house pictures, if you want to see more, you have to visit!

Kelly, Todd, Espn, and Oreo