Holy Cow! It is August and I start school next week! The summer has come and gone so quickly! The end of June marked a year that I have been living in Virginia, some days it feels like we just moved there other days it feels like we have been there a lot longer. The month of June was also the end of my first year teaching first grade! I liked it so much I am doing it again this year! We also got a few days in NJ and were able to see a Phillies game. The month of July was a bit crazy. We saw fireworks on the boat for the 4th (Todd tried to wakeboard!) and then I went to see my brother in NC, then on again back to NJ where I spent 3weeks and Todd was there for a week. We saw lots of friends, I spent time on the beach, and Todd golfing. We also were able to celebrate with Cheldin and Chris on their wedding day!
When were weren't traveling I spent my days on the lake or at the pool. We also had both of our families down and I loved entertaining everyone! Todd has also been giving a lot of golf lessons and enjoying the weather. The dogs still love going on the trails and swimming in the lake.
Most of you are probably saying " are the Prohammer's moving back or what?" Well we still want to move back, but it was a lot easier to get down here then to move back. We will still be looking for jobs for the future, but are staying until we at least sell the house or one of has a job. So Todd is staying at the golf course and I will be teaching. As much as I miss my family and friends, I am also happy to spend some more time in my house!
I hope all is well.
Love and miss y'all!
Kelly,Todd,Espn and Oreo
Some of you also had the pleasure of seeing my thirty-one products I am selling. The new fall catalog is out and you can order right from my website. Great purses,totes, and bridal and baby gifts! www.mythirtyone.com/9259