For some of you out there that do not know, Lilli has arrived early! She was born at 33 weeks and 3 days due to me getting severe preeclampsia. I was fine one week and the next week I was all swollen up, gained 10lbs and had blood pressure through the roof. I was put on at home bed rest for 2 days and then admitted to the hospital where they had to take her via c section on 9/24. She was sent to the NICU where she spent a week and half. We were very lucky that it was a short stay. She could breath and eat on her own. At birth she weighed 4 lbs and 14 oz and was 19in long. She is now in the 5lbs weight category! I am still having BP issues and are on meds, hoping to be off of them soon. We are home and loving every minute of it. She was daddy's girl before she was born, but now she just has him wrapped around her little fingers. She is truly our miracle baby!
In the whole chaos of things my dad was moved out of the hospital and into therapy. He is doing well and improving each day. It is still a long road ahead, but we are hoping Lilli gets him through it. We are heading to NJ in two weeks so he can meet is first grandchild. It is not exactly how we all had it planned out, but in the first time since August we will all be there as a family and I have part of my dad back, plus my beautiful daughter that we have been waiting so long for. I want to thank everyone for the well wishes and prayers you have been sending us. We could not of done it alone.
I will try to update once a month with pictures of our little Lilli Bear!
Much love,
Kelly,Todd,Lilli, Espn & Oreo