Happy Holidays to all!
As you can see Lilli is growing and changing each day. It is so cool to see how much more aware she is. The first time she smiled at Todd and I because she recognized us, just melted our hearts! Lilli will be 3 months on 12/24 and we are enjoying all of her firsts. She loves sitting in her boppy looking at all of her surroundings. Espn also really enjoys when she lays in it. He just gets cozy right next to her!
We are once again heading to NJ for the holidays. This will be my last trip for awhile since I will be going back to work after the Christmas break and even though Lilli is a great traveler, she needs a break too! So if you want to see us, come on down!
As the year comes to an end I can say that I am exhausted, but grateful. It has been a roller coaster with emotions and some of the year we would all like to forget, but we are looking forward to the triumphs and more of Lilli's firsts in 2011.
We are wishing you all the best in 2011, and hope some of you make a trip down here soon!
With much love,
Kelly,Todd,Lilli,Espn and Oreo