March is almost over and Lilli is will be 6 months in four days! Where does the time go? We are all doing great! She is getting so big and developing a little silly personality! She laughs at a lot of things and loves when daddy plays rough with her, I think she is going to be a tomboy! She loves the dogs and now pets them when they come up to her. We love seeing her change each week.
Work for me is tough. It is a long day with the fifth graders and then coming home to Lilli bear to make up for my lost time has me tired out and I am pretty much going to bed not long after Lilli. Right now Todd is working some days and weekends, so busy is what we are! In April Lilli will got to daycare until I am done school in June. We are a little nervous, but think it will be good for her to be around other adults and kids (and germs, yuck!)
Since the last time I have checked in, my parents, Keith and Mary came for their annual March visit. It was great to see them and so great for dad to get out and be somewhere different. He is doing well and making improvements each month. This month we also had some birthday celebrations and Lilli was great at them.
We won't be home until the summer and I can't wait until Lilli experiences the beach and good old NJ! For now I am turning her into a lake girl and she will just have to love all of it!
We hope all is well and we miss you all!
Kelly,Todd,Lilli,Espn and Oreo