Happy Spring!
The weather is starting to get nice and the craziness of the end of the school year is buzzing in my ear. Lilli is 6 months old and growing like crazy! She had her 6month visit and she weighs 16.9 lbs, and is 25.5 inches long! She is no longer my tiny preemie! We are slowly teaching her some sign language to help her communicate before she talks and she can sign milk and gets really excited when we sign it to her to eat. She is also waving the famous backwards hi to herself, because that is what she sees our hands do to her when we wave to her! She loves her organic jar food and her doggies. Her muscle tone is still a little behind, so I can't wait until she can fully sit-up on her own! We are loving every minute this precious miracle has brought to us and I am very excited for the summer and to see all of her firsts! She had her first few days of daycare and then got a cold, so mommy stayed home with her! Todd is working on the houses again and enjoys being out of the house, but also misses Lilli bear and their relaxing days together!
We will be home in June and can't wait to see everyone! Gotta go, it's nap time!!
We love and miss y'all!
Kelly, Todd, Lilli, Espn and Oreo