Sunday, December 13, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

Happy Holidays to all!

The Prohammer's are wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
It will be a year on 12/20 that we moved into our house, so we were very excited to have Christmas in it this year instead of moving in and then heading to NJ!
We will be in NJ for Christmas and are looking forward to seeing our family and friends.
You will see Espn and Oreo taking their famous picture by the tree, such good doggies! We hope you are all well and enjoy the season!

Much love,
Kelly,Todd, Espn and Oreo

Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's Fall y'all!

It's the middle of September and it has been a crazy few weeks!

I am teaching first grade and the kiddies are great all 22 of them! School has me super busy and I feel like I don't there sometimes, but it is getting better.

As usual it is never a dull moment with the Prohammer's. Last week Todd was let go from the golf course. It was bit of a surprise, and we are wondering how are we gonna do it now on my salary, but for some reason we are both happy. Why are we happy? Todd was not so pleased working there anymore, but knew he had to stay there until another opening. He is now home, which is great for us to spend time together since our schedules could never match. We are just trying to make the best of it. The house is still for sale and he is applying for jobs everywhere, so in the long run, our goal is still to come back to NJ.
The fall weather is sort of coming, it is still warm here 75-85, but no humidity! This past weekend we went to the Blue Ridge Parkway to check out the views. We saw falling water cascades and part of the Appalachian Trail. Of course football has started and so has Todd's Sunday Giants rituals. We are also looking forward to doing some cool town festivities in the next few weekends since we can now do them together. We hope you are all doing well! We miss you!

Kelly,Todd,Espn, and Oreo

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Where did the summer go??

Holy Cow! It is August and I start school next week! The summer has come and gone so quickly! The end of June marked a year that I have been living in Virginia, some days it feels like we just moved there other days it feels like we have been there a lot longer. The month of June was also the end of my first year teaching first grade! I liked it so much I am doing it again this year! We also got a few days in NJ and were able to see a Phillies game. The month of July was a bit crazy. We saw fireworks on the boat for the 4th (Todd tried to wakeboard!) and then I went to see my brother in NC, then on again back to NJ where I spent 3weeks and Todd was there for a week. We saw lots of friends, I spent time on the beach, and Todd golfing. We also were able to celebrate with Cheldin and Chris on their wedding day!

When were weren't traveling I spent my days on the lake or at the pool. We also had both of our families down and I loved entertaining everyone! Todd has also been giving a lot of golf lessons and enjoying the weather. The dogs still love going on the trails and swimming in the lake.

Most of you are probably saying " are the Prohammer's moving back or what?" Well we still want to move back, but it was a lot easier to get down here then to move back. We will still be looking for jobs for the future, but are staying until we at least sell the house or one of has a job. So Todd is staying at the golf course and I will be teaching. As much as I miss my family and friends, I am also happy to spend some more time in my house!

I hope all is well.

Love and miss y'all!

Kelly,Todd,Espn and Oreo

Some of you also had the pleasure of seeing my thirty-one products I am selling. The new fall catalog is out and you can order right from my website. Great purses,totes, and bridal and baby gifts!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's been awhile!

Hello! It is May and I realized that is has been a few months since I posted anything. I guess we have been busy, I don't know where to begin! The month of March went well. My parents, brother, and his girlfriend came down and up to visit and we had great weather. We kind of skipped Spring and went to rain or hot and sunny. In April Todd and I both had the chance to head to NJ for much needed rest and fun with family and friends. It was a lot harder to leave this time then over Christmas. I think over Christmas we were so busy with the holiday and the house we didn't get a chance to take it all in. Now it is May and school is over in three weeks, which leaves me with a lot of first grade projects, parties, and memories I have to get in order for my cherubs! We also had Todd's family including aunts, uncles, and cousins down to celebrate Owen's graduation from Liberty Univeristy.
As you most of you know Todd's job has changed a bit and because of the change we are looking to come back to NJ! We do not want to leave the house, but we changed our lives drastically to come down here, and that pleasure of the job is now gone. So home to family and friends that we have missed so much. We do not know when it will happen, we are hoping for sooner rather then later, so we will keep you posted.
The dogs are doing great and just love being outside in the fresh air. Memorial Day is already approaching us and June is on the way! We hope you are all well!
Until next time,
Kelly, Todd, Espn and Oreo
PS- I am a thity-one consulant so if you are intersted in some cool bags and much more, let me know and I will show!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

In like a lion!

Well March is here and it came in like a bang! We got the foot of snow that NJ got. The difference was we weren't really expecting it to be so bad and school closed down for days! Luckily we have built in snow days, so I won't have to make them up!

We are settling in and the house is feeling like home. The last few months have brought us lots of friends and family. Todd's cousin Erin had a baby girl at the end of January, so I am loving watching her grow and become part of the Hunt family. Since the baby arrived and we are now settled in, family has been south to see all of us. We had my mom, Todd's mom, aunt Judy, Grace, pop-pop, and of course Erin's mom and sister all down the last few weekends. Erin and I both agreed that we loved having them and realized how much we miss all of them. I can't forget the friends that also have ventured down and up. Tucci, Beccher, Becky and Max have also come to see our new digs!
March is now here and my parents are brother are coming this weekend to celebrate birthdays and I am looking forward to The Hunt's annual St. Patrick's Day party.
Before we know it March will be over and hopefully I will get the taste of Virginia spring at the lake. Todd and I will also be home for Easter, so hopefully we will see some of you then!
Wishing the snow would melt!

We love you,

Kelly, Todd, Espn and Oreo

Monday, January 19, 2009

All moved in!

What a great start to 2009! We moved in right before Christmas on the 20th and then headed to NJ for the holidays. We got to see all of our friends and family as much as we could. It was a great, busy, tiring time! Everyone has been asking to see more pictures, but we do not have internet at the house yet. That is the delay, plus the boxes, shopping, and just enjoying our new digs!
We just had a very cold front that they even delayed the schools for 2 hours on Friday. Everything else is great with our jobs and we are waiting for Erin to have the baby. Thank goodness we moved out in time, or it would of been a crazy household!
We hope that everyone has enjoyed the new year so far. I am done with posting house pictures, if you want to see more, you have to visit!

Kelly, Todd, Espn, and Oreo