Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's Fall y'all!

It's the middle of September and it has been a crazy few weeks!

I am teaching first grade and the kiddies are great all 22 of them! School has me super busy and I feel like I don't there sometimes, but it is getting better.

As usual it is never a dull moment with the Prohammer's. Last week Todd was let go from the golf course. It was bit of a surprise, and we are wondering how are we gonna do it now on my salary, but for some reason we are both happy. Why are we happy? Todd was not so pleased working there anymore, but knew he had to stay there until another opening. He is now home, which is great for us to spend time together since our schedules could never match. We are just trying to make the best of it. The house is still for sale and he is applying for jobs everywhere, so in the long run, our goal is still to come back to NJ.
The fall weather is sort of coming, it is still warm here 75-85, but no humidity! This past weekend we went to the Blue Ridge Parkway to check out the views. We saw falling water cascades and part of the Appalachian Trail. Of course football has started and so has Todd's Sunday Giants rituals. We are also looking forward to doing some cool town festivities in the next few weekends since we can now do them together. We hope you are all doing well! We miss you!

Kelly,Todd,Espn, and Oreo

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hi!! Sorry to hear about Todd. You both always have such a great way though of looking at the sunny side of things! Can't wait to hear where the next adventure will lead you. Talk soon! Michelle