Wow!! As this month comes to end I am very thankful for many things. The top two would be my beautiful daughter and that my dad is finally on the road to recovery. It has been a crazy few months and even though I might spend some of those days not even leaving the house, the time flies by.
At the end of October Lilli took her first trip to NJ to meet grandpa. He was still at the overnight therapy facility, but the time we all spent together was priceless. Dad is now home and still in therapy, but is improving each day. It was also Lilli's first Halloween, she did not dress up, but wore cute Halloween onsies instead.
November is here and almost gone which means Lilli will be 2 months on 11/24. I still can't believe she is here and on her way to two months when she should be only 2 weeks old. Since it is getting colder out Todd gets more days home with us, which has been so much fun spending time as a family. We go on a walk almost everyday and just spend time looking at how much Lilli has changed.
We are heading to NJ for Thanksgiving and a Beef and Beer benefit they are having for my dad. Lilli will get to meet many people that are very important in our lives. In between Thanksgiving and Christmas we will have Becky here, Mom-Mom Peggy visits often, and Santa! The holidays also mark that mommy has to go back to work after x-mas break, so each day I am going to embrace, cherish, and be thankful for.
We hope you are all doing well and enjoy the holidays!
Much Love,
Much Love,
Kelly, Todd, Lilli, Espn and Oreo
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